7 Quick Takes about pop tarts, airplane apps, and zumba

— 1 —

It is finished! The drip is done dripping. Our apartment looked like this for a while:



The Leasing Office of my apartment complex is about our unit and the air conditioner was dripping into our apartment for about a week. The office didn’t seem to hurried to fix it. But, I let them know my annoyance that they weren’t working hard to fix it, that we had to buy a bigger bucket (we were having to empty those mixing bowls too often), and that we had to waste so many of our precious quarters washing loads of towels cause the water was going everywhere and soaking our floor.  Don’t worry, she got it fixed the next day and gave us $2.00 in quarters.  So, now the lovely hole in the ceiling is drying out before they fix it.

— 2 —

I went to my first-ever Zumba class last night. Zumba is a choreographed dance/workout that mixes hip-hop, soca, samba, sala, merengue, mambo and martial arts. (Just read that on Wikipedia, for the record.) Well, I’m German. And Irish. And Polish. And Czech. I don’t think any of those genres of dance are native to the land of my ancestors.  I have little rhythm and coordination and I cannot move my hips and shake my booty like I was supposed to.  But, it was fun!  I even made a friend when she laughed at my dancing and sympathetically said, “Don’t worry, I was like that at first too! But, I’ve been going to Zumba for a long time now.”  I think she lied.  She was never as bad as me.  But, it turns out that, in mish life (a.k.a. missionary life) it’s good to be bad at things because it gets you friends!

— 3 —

On Wednesday night I was in bed before 10:30.  That meant that at 6:55 I woke up well-rested and before my alarm clock went off! The last time that happened was…well, I don’t know!  It was glorious!  I showered, made coffee, made breakfast and spent some time reading–all before 9am Holy Hour!

— 4 —

Speaking of making breakfast, I usually don’t.  For many reasons: I don’t particularly like breakfast, I rarely have time to eat in the morning, and my apartment complex offers it for free everyday. (Think free bagels, pop tarts, granola bars, coffee, tee, water, juices, etc.)  Well, can we all agree that this is the best breakfast ever:

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Totes dessert. Not breakfast. But, I’m not going to complain!

— 5 —

I have been living in Funcie (a.k.a. Muncie, IN) for exactly one month.  I have made my bed exactly EVERY SINGLE DAY since I’ve been here.  I feel like a grown-up.

— 6 —

One of my sisters is on her way back to the land of Cheeseheads from Singapore for a couple weeks.  That means next week I’m going back to the homeland for a weekend of family time.  We’ll all be home.  I may not have seen her (or her husband) since their wedding last September, but is it bad if I might be more excited to see the babies (nieces and nephews).  Sorry, Libby.  Well, not really that sorry because I’m sure the same holds true for you.

— 7 —

My parents celebrated their 31st anniversary this week!  And, even better, they decided to spend it with their favorite daughter in Muncie, IN.  What a treat!  My sisters and I treated them to lunch at the nicest place we could find in Muncie, we walked around my favorite place (Minnetrista…home of the Ball Brothers’ houses as well as the cultural center), went to the best bakery in town (Concannon’s), and they took my team and me out for supper!  It was a great day.  Oh, I almost forgot the part where they sat on my couch and were wildly entertained by an airplane app for children under 3:

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Happy anniversary, mom and dad!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Back in Action

Hey World! I’m back in action…in more ways than one!

First, the blog.

It’s been a while, my goodness!  It turns out the combo of finishing up things in North Dakota, moving to Wisconsin, spending five busy weeks in Florida, moving back to Wisco for a month, not having a regular schedule, my lack of exciting (or funny) things to blog about and my laziness is a deadly combo for not blogging in over four months.

But, since I moved far away from the babies (that is, my nieces and nephew) and the rest of my family, my little one (sister…) moved to the barbecued pork capital of the world, and Libster is still stuck in SingSing (that’s my nickname for Singapore…she’s not actually in prison in New York) I thought, “there’s no better time than the present to pick up the ole laptop and write a blog post…”  Also, the other option is unpacking and organizing my room which kind of sounds lame-o at the moment.

So, I did it.  For the first time ever I moved to the Eastern Time Zone.  Now, instead of checking the beloved CST, I’ll have to check the EST. I’m not sure how I feel about it. That’s a lie. I hate it.*

The headquarters for FOCUS is in Colordao (which, if you didn’t know, is in Mountain Time). I struggled. I had a few conference calls that I needed to attend and more than once I typed this into Google:

Screen Shot 2014-08-07 at 10.57.08 AM


You’d think I wouldn’t have to do that more than once…but I did. Often. Like every time I had a meeting in Mountain Time–just to be sure I didn’t miss it.

And then there’s technology. Someone emails you asking if you can meet at 10. You (finally) figure out what time that is and say sure. Then they send you an Outlook invitation for your calendar and you accept. Then, the meeting rolls around and you have no clue that Outlook automatically changes appointment times to your timezone from the senders.  Now, if that isn’t darn confusing. Which reminds me, break time, I’ve got to check what timezone my Outlook is set in…  Okay I’m back. I couldn’t figure it out. Here’s waiting to figure it out when I get some sort of meeting invitation.

Second, I’m on campus!

Yeah, I bet you forgot this post was about me being “back in action” in more than one way because of the whole I-suck-at-timezones thing.  But, since I went on such a ridiculous rant about timezones, I’ve run out of blogging time to tell you about my move to Funcie Muncie.  I’ll leave you with a three Haikus about Muncie and a half-hearted promise to blog more often:

Muncie, Muncie, Munce
My heart belongs to you now
Don’t make me hate you

Yesterday we romped
‘Round Middletown, U.S.A.
It was really fun

My new apartment
Is literally so cute
Please, come visit me

P.S. I’m sorry that I thought blogging about the Eastern timezone was funny/exciting enough for a blog. I should have been blogging the last 4 months…I must have done things more interesting than Googling what time it is in different timezones…maybe not.

*I don’t actually hate it. It has been more of a non-issue so far. That is, until I miss my first meeting cause I forget that I live in the EST.

7 Quick Takes: There’s No Lamb Anywhere

— 1 —

There’s an old English Proverb that says March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.  The only thing is, I don’t see a lamb. Anywhere! The weather is, of course, straight cray.  We had a snow day on Monday.  It didn’t start snowing until around 4:00 that afternoon.  It did get pretty blizzard eventually, but we didn’t have it nearly as bad as UND (University of North Dakota–up in Grand Forks).  They had a snow day on Monday and Tuesday.  So, that’s how much went out.  Like a raging beast.  Oh, and the whole April showers bring May flowers thing.  If I may quote one of the students here, “In North Dakota, April showers are…frozen.”  That’s cause it’s been flurry-ing for the past 48 hours or so.  Soon we’ll see what sort of May flowers NoDak gets…

— 2 —

Speaking of May flowers.  It’s April.  Which means it’s only one more month until May.  Which means my first year as a missionary is almost done.  I think we’re released from the chains of Fargo sometime in mid-May.  Then, at the beginning of June, I’ll be down in Florida (where I will certainly, immediately get sick because of the imminent extreme change of weather…) for New Staff Training, A.K.A. summer training.  Anyway, then I’ll be back in Wisco for July and in August I’ll be heading to……..who knows?!  I may be back in Fargo I may be somewhere totally different.  I’ll let you know when I know.

— 3 —

March was a crazy month.  Spring break was smack dab in the middle of it.  I thought, “Wow, since I’m the only one around over break I can blog a ton, sleep a ton, read a ton, etc…”  Well, I haven’t blogged in forever.  I haven’t really been reading a lot.  I ended up mostly working on two big projects for…work.  I’m a grown up.  No more spring breaks filled with nothingness.  Now, I have spring breaks filled with work!  It was still relaxing since I spent most of the week doing work at the kitchen table or on the couch…so no complaints here!

— 4 —

But, Jane, didn’t you do anything fun over spring break?  Why, yes, I did.  I got to hang out with a few students/friends in town on various nights.  I went to the local Catholic high school’s production of Singin’ in the Rain.  I Skyped with my long, lost roommate-soulmate and she got me hooked on a new Netflix show, Chuck.  I did a lot of workin’ out.  I wrote a talk for a retreat.  I made a plethora of twine Rosaries.  But, most importantly…

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THE BABIES CAME TO VISIT!!!!!  Little Bezzie, Jobie, and Zel Bell came for the weekend (of course accompanied by their parents, Maggie and Phil, and my little sister Emma).  It was so fun.  We went to my favorite restaurant, Doolittles; we went to the Children’s Museum; we let the kids watch Over the Hedge…more than once.  I even got a video of little Bezzie singing I Just Can’t Wait to be King.  If I can figure out how to get it off my phone maybe I can post it (mainly so BB in Singapore can watch it!).  But, seeing those cute babies was just what I needed to get me through April until I go home for Easter and spend the weekend with them.

— 6 —

Fish Fry.  Every Catholic’s favorite Lenten tradition.  Except mine.  I don’t actually like fish.  I think it’s gross…and fishy.  But, every year the Knights of Columbus here at the Newman Center have a fish fry after some students do the Living Stations of the Cross.  I went because I’m a good missionary (and felt like I had to).  I am proud to admit, I kind of liked the fish!! It was really thin and mostly the fried breading with only a little bit of fish.  So, that’s why I liked it!  It wasn’t one of those big, fishy things that you usually find at a fish fry.  Anyway, tonight a bunch of people are going to a fish fry at Farmhouse (that’s one of the Frat’s here).  I’ll probably go, but I have very low expectations and will probably pack a PB & J, just in case.

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Finally, because you care, here’s a picture of me over spring break.  I probably enjoyed break so much because I didn’t have to go into the Newman Center in the morning…so I didn’t even have to fix my ponytail after I slept all night.  Don’t worry, mom, when I went out in public I made myself a bit more presentable.


For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Daylight Savings Time!

I am just so excited.  An extra hour of daylight every. single. day. from now until the fall!  I can hardly wait.  Yeah, we lose an hour of sleep tonight.  But, I’d say the short term loss is worth it for the long-term gain of lovely sunshine during waking hours.

Wow, I just wrote a post about daylight savings time.  Come on brain.  Think of something more exciting to tell the readers.  Oh, I got it!

Today I went to TJ Maxx (because I’m a Maxxinista*).  At the checkout the cashier man (probs in his mid-to-late 20s) called me both “doll” and “sweetheart” during our typical customer-cashier-interaction.  I thought it was worth blogging about right now.  So strange…

Plea for help: If anyone has ideas of what I could blog about.  Let me know!!  I’d love to have some (new) ideas!

*I really like TJ Maxx…for their bags mostly…and household goods…and shoes.  I don’t really clothes shop in there (in case you cared).  Also, TJ Maxx didn’t pay me anything to write this.

7 Quick Takes: Pre-Lent Treats and Fun New Toys

— 1 —

Last Sunday was the Mardi Gras party at the Newman Center.  Picture this: Mass at 5pm.  Chowing down on some delish nachos.  Get 300 dollars handed to you.  Win victory.  Well, I should expand on that.  After Mass and supper we were each given 300 (Monopoly) dollars to play carnival games.  Most of them cost $10 and if you won you got $50.  Let’s just say I’m a master at the ring toss (where you try and toss the ring over a can of pop) and the fish pond.  I had a 0% success rate for the cake walk.  Why. Could. I. Not. Win. That. One?  I stayed away from putting* and arm wrestling because I knew it was a guaranteed loss.  I also rocked the Catholic trivia more than once–though I was properly embarrassed about my lack of knowing the corporal works of mercy…got. to. study!

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You may wonder why I was so intent on winning.  Do I need a reason besides my eternal, unquenched thirst for victory and my ever-increasing competitiveness?  Welp, I have one anyway.  I present to you “Akai” out new TV.  (So named because, well, that’s what it says on it…Akai…apparently that’s a TV brand name. Who knew?)


But, back to why Akai was my motivation.  That sweet TV wasn’t always sitting right there above Seaons 1-6 of Psych in my living room.  It used to be here:


Yes, Kelsey and my new TV used to reside at the “Live Aution.”  The TV was the best. prize. there.  And, we got it (by bidding the monopoly money we won throughout the night).  I guess the TV victory was no thanks to our fishing or ring toss skills, but all thanks to everyone who “donated” to our “support team.”

Well, little Akai has been a champ thus far (I’m currently watching a movie on ‘er).  From now on when new first-year missionaries are told they’re moving to Fargo, we can wipe away their tears** with the hope of Akai awaiting them in their ice-cold Fargo apartment!

— 3 —

Oh, I made cupcakes for the party.  I was feeling rather Mardi Gras-y.  So I made them festive, inside and out!  It was enjoyable and therapeutic!  I got many compliments about how great they tasted…to which I didn’t have the humility to reply that the cupcakes were made from a store-bought mix.  However, the frosting was homemade.  I may have found one of the best buttercream frostings yet.  (That is a Voelker Family victory since, if we could, we would probably live off of buttercream.***)

cupcakes inside


— 4 —

Last Friday Victoria and I baked something that sounded more-than-delicious.  Chocolate chip s’more cookies.  I forgot to take a picture of attempt 1, but here’s what was left of attempt 2 after Teresa, Victoria and I devoured it:


It actually looks gross.  But it was less-than-gross…way. less. than. gross.  But, not perfect.  The idea is that there is essentially a s’more (graham, mallow and chocolate) inside of the cookie.  The cookies spread a lot so it just didn’t turn out quite right.  So, we solved the problem!


I present the chocolate chip cookie s’more cupcake:


You may think it sounds ridiculous and overboard.  But it has Fat-Tuesday written all over it.  And, it also has Easter season written on it.  Let it be known: I will make these again. Probably on April 20th…or 21st.


— 5 —

This.  If you don’t know why this picture is here and raises extreme amounts of excitement for me, you don’t know me.  You don’t know my life.  Read this or pretty much any other post I’ve written in the past few months.


— 6 —

It’s Lent.  It started on Wednesday.  Lent.  Let the 40 days of sacrifice start!  Father got me good with the ashes.  I had quite the reminder that to dust I would return.  Here’s my #ashtag selfie.

ash wednesday

— 7 —

All the posts about the delicious things I baked and ate before the 40 days of darkness and life-without-sweets began…wait, I mean Lent, 40 days of Lent, make me really want candy.  Which, as it turns out is okay for today.  Why?!  It’s my feast day!!  Oh happy day to Sts. Felicity and Perpetua!  (St. Felicity is my Confirmation Saint!)  So, even though her feast day is during Lent every year, I always try and celebrate at least a little.  No, I didn’t eat meat.  But, I did eat some sweets to celebrate Felicity’s (and, of course her girl Perpetua’s) great witness of faith and trust unto martyrdom.  And, a celebration in thanksgiving for all of Felicity’s prayers for me over the past many years! 🙂


Sts. Felicity and Perpetua, pray for us!

Oh, and you should totally check out their first-hand account of their last days in exile on this earth.  Could a vase be called by anything other than what it is, a vase?  So too I cannot be called anything other than what I am, a Christian.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

*Maybe I could have won at putting.  I do have a trophy for golf.  A lot of people think that’s a joke.  But just check Bulls Eye 4-hole-girls championship records.  My name will be right next to “1998.”  But, I digress…I just didn’t want to waste money on maybe losing golf if I knew the Fish Pond was a sure thing.

**It’s kind of a pretty common thing for new-to-Fargo missionaries to cry when they find they’re placed here.

***That is everyone in the family except mom.  She’d probably rather have broccoli or something more mom-like.

The Best Decision *update*

I just have a brief post today.  A year ago today I accepted a job with FOCUS as a campus missionary.  It was one of the best decisions of my life.  That is all.  Well, almost all except for the following comment about the weather.

Side note: For some reason New Orleans weather is set as the default on my phone’s weather report.  I just checked the weather.  I have to share the ridiculous temperature disparity with you…it’s over 100 degree difference.  That is, of course, if you count windchill…which I do.

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After I saw this I obvi. texted Claire (who I went to visit in New Orleans) cause this is hilariously ridiculous.  She texted back and said she shared that info with the whole bar.

March certainly came in like a lion…here’s hoping leaving like a lamb means consistent, positive temps–or warmer!

P.S. I hope today marks the day you make one of the best decisions of your life and apply to be a FOCUS missionary! 🙂


I’ve got to tell you, I’ve been doing some research.  I’m still amazed that I didn’t realize until the end of January that this is one of Fargo’s colder winters.  But, I wanted to know just how cold.  All of my research was found in an article on the ABC station in Fargo.  Is it official, scientific, and peer reviewed?  No, of course not.  But it’s straight up ridiculous.  Here’s the top three quotes from that article from meteorologist Daryl Ritchison:         

1) “This winter, if you’re 40 years old or younger, is the coldest winter you remember.”
2) “In fact, it’ll go down as the 17th coldest local winter on record.”
3) “We were below zero at some point in 65 of those 90 days.” (That is the months of December-Februrary.)

My least favorite quote from the article:

“My suspicion for the spring is March will finish below average. Noticeably.”

7 Quick Takes: From Recollecting to Cuteness and Jesus Guitars

— 1 —

This is my first “7-Quick-Takes-Friday” post.  Jen, the blogger at Conversion Diary started it and now everyone and their mom is posting 7 quick takes about their week every Friday.  I thought I’d join in the fun because, ideally, it will be quick.  I imagine I can find a few minutes every Friday to jot down 7 highlights.  So, this, officially was quick take number one.

— 2 —

Today is a day of recollection (DoR).  I post about that here, but in case you missed it… last October, after asking BLT (Beloved Leader of the Team) what a DoR was he said this, “No dships, no meetings with students.  Things to do: pray, go on a walk, call family and friends, go to Mass anywhere but Newman, lay in the grass and watch the clouds float by.”  Well, he didn’t exactly say writing a blog post was allowable.  But, I’ll say taking a walk and laying on the grass watching the clouds float by today would be more like asking to get frost bite and die from coldness.  So, I’ll replace that with writing a blog post.

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What else did the DoR include?  I drove up to Grand Forks this morning for spiritual direction, prayed for a while, went to Mass and then talked to Teresa, a missionary up at UND, for a few minutes.  Then, I drove back to Fargo and stopped at Panera.  That brings me to right now.  For the first time, ever, the piece of baguette that I got for a side was soft.  It was a strange experience eating it without feeling like I might break my teeth.  I must say, I kind of liked it.  Here’s to you, Panera.

— 4 —

Our retreat site for NDSK1 was confirmed this week!  NDSK1 is North Dakota State Koinonia #1.  The Newman Center here doesn’t have any retreat opportunities specifically for college students (yet!) so that’s what this will be.  Koinonia was started a few decades ago in Battle Creek, MI (home of the baseball team, the Battle Creek Bombers, members of the same league of everyone’s favorite Wisconsin Rapids Rafters!–that tangent was for you, dad…and Tiffany, if you read this!).  Anyway, if any of you Madisonians are interested in helping us out from afar please, please let me know! 🙂  NDSK1, here we come!  (It’s going to take place April 11-13.)

— 5 —

My little sister, Emma, had a phone interview for a potential job next year.  She sent an email asking for prayers.  After the interview she sent an I-aced-that-interview-and-I-think-I-just-got-offered-a-job-on-the-spot-update.  My oldest sister said that Jesus answered Thérèse’s prayers.  My uber-cute 3-year-old niece said, “Jesus please help Emmie. Thank you. We love you.”  Ah… no kidding Jesus answered that prayer.  How could anyone (especially an all-loving God) refuse that cuteness!?

— 6 —

I was in the New Orleans mood all week.  So, for Bible study we had a Mardi Gras party.  My B-stud is on Wednesdays.  So, since next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday it will be too late for a feast.  We had some buffalo chicken dip, Mardi Gras cupcakes and played a super hilarious game of telephone pictionary.*  I have big plans to post the pictures of what happened with my sentence and how a deserted island turned into a magic-Jesus-guitar-boat.  But, if you’re totally confused, stay tuned and check my blog for a full-blown description of that wild and ridiculous game!  Back to Bible study–we’re going to take a break from our Acts of the Apostles Bible study to do a special Lenten study on Jesus’ Passion.  I’m really excited about that!

— 7 —

Maybe I should just write one longer blog post everyday.  I don’t think “quick” takes are my thing.  I’m too long-winded and rambl-y for that noise!

*I originally wrote, “telephone dictionary.”  That sounds like the. worst. game. ever.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Can you say, “M.I.A.”?

Sorry world. I have been especially bad at blogging as of late. I will, as I feel I have the right to, blame it on the weather. When it’s colder than cold you can blame pretty much anything on the weather. I hope you remember that one time I said the weather wasn’t that bad anymore because I now officially renege that statement. I blame my momentary lapse of sanity on the evening of January 27th on, yes, you guessed it, the weather.

Anyway, February has been molto busy and blogging (as well as one of my fave activities–reading) has taken a back seat. As with probably around 98% of bloggers I will try to get back into blogging and post more regularly. There’s this thing going around where bloggers post everyday for 7 days. I thought about joining in the fun, but it turns out I thought too long and it’s already half way over!* (Procrastination wins again!) Instead of playing that game I’ll more-likely play the game where I don’t post for 7 days…times 7.

I know this post updated you on a whole lot of nothing. But something I must tell you is that on Monday afternoon I returned from a trip to New Orleans. It. Was. The. Best. Why? Many reasons–maybe I’ll write a whole post about it** but I’ll give you the top five for now:

1) The FOCUS team at Tulane was so welcoming, fun and hospitable that I almost died–in a good way, of course!
2) The weather. Oh, FOCUS, please please send me to the South next year! We had a good laugh that as Laura, Claire and Hannah drove me to the airport at 5 am it was actually, literally 85 degrees warmer in New Orleans than Fargo.***  Sunshine and walking leisurely outside was just so, so great. Even the rain. The rain was fun.
3) New Orleans, the city. I’m a little obsessed with it. I could drive, nay, ride in a car being driven around all day. The houses are something else. It was Carnival (a.k.a. Mardi Gras season). We went to a parade. The food was so great. The city. Loved it!
4) Big Sam’s Funky Nation
5) Camellias Grill (or, more appropriately, the workers there)
Non New Orleans related but really funny comment: Today as BLT (that is, Beloved Leader of the Team, a.k.a. Bryan) and I were walking to the Union he said, “I think the earth should give up winter for Lent.” Can I get an “Amen”?


*Maybe I’ll create anarchy and post everyday for 6 days as soon as the 7 days is over…or something like that.

**Let’s be honest, that day may never come. To satiate your wonderings about a weekend in New Orleans check out Claire’s post about the fun that was had!

***Okay, actually literally 85 degrees warmer when you factor in the windchill.  But, close enough.

The Beatitudes and Our Life

Today’s post features a guest writer.  You may know him as Jorge but most just call him Pope Francis.  I don’t know if you’ve heard, but he’s kind of a big deal.  That I could even get ahold of him to write a guest post…just kidding

The following is a reflection from Pope Francis that I received recently in my email via the Vatican Information Service.  I receive an email every couple of days that tells me what Papa Francis has been up to: what he’s said, who he has appointed to different positions, which Bishops are retiring, etc.  I highly recommend you follow this link and sign up.  Though I don’t always set aside the time to read through them, whenever I have read them I’ve been really encouraged.  I find I’m keeping up with what the Pope is saying from the source himself (instead of the media making it seem like he says whatever they want him to say).  Anyway, I digress…if you have a few minutes read this, or even some of it!


Vatican City, 6 February 2014 (VIS) – We publish below the full text of the message the Holy Father has sent to the young people preparing for the 29th World Youth Day 2014, which will take as its theme: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”.

“Dear Young Friends,

How vividly I recall the remarkable meeting we had in Rio de Janeiro for the Twenty-eighth World Youth Day. It was a great celebration of faith and fellowship! The wonderful people of Brazil welcomed us with open arms, like the statue of Christ the Redeemer which looks down from the hill of Corcovado over the magnificent expanse of Copacabana beach. There, on the seashore, Jesus renewed his call to each one of us to become his missionary disciples. May we perceive this call as the most important thing in our lives and share this gift with others, those near and far, even to the distant geographical and existential peripheries of our world.

The next stop on our intercontinental youth pilgrimage will be in Krakow in 2016. As a way of accompanying our journey together, for the next three years I would like to reflect with you on the Beatitudes found in the Gospel of Saint Matthew. This year we will begin by reflecting on the first Beatitude: ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven’. For 2015 I suggest: ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God’. Then, in 2016, our theme will be: ‘Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy’.

1. The revolutionary power of the Beatitudes

It is always a joyful experience for us to read and reflect on the Beatitudes! Jesus proclaimed them in his first great sermon, preached on the shore of the sea of Galilee. There was a very large crowd, so Jesus went up on the mountain to teach his disciples. That is why it is known as ‘the Sermon on the Mount’. In the Bible, the mountain is regarded as a place where God reveals himself. Jesus, by preaching on the mount, reveals himself to be a divine teacher, a new Moses. What does he tell us? He shows us the way to life, the way that he himself has taken. Jesus himself is the way, and he proposes this way as the path to true happiness. Throughout his life, from his birth in the stable in Bethlehem until his death on the cross and his resurrection, Jesus embodied the Beatitudes. All the promises of God’s Kingdom were fulfilled in him.

In proclaiming the Beatitudes, Jesus asks us to follow him and to travel with him along the path of love, the path that alone leads to eternal life. It is not an easy journey, yet the Lord promises us his grace and he never abandons us. We face so many challenges in life: poverty, distress, humiliation, the struggle for justice, persecutions, the difficulty of daily conversion, the effort to remain faithful to our call to holiness, and many others. But if we open the door to Jesus and allow him to be part of our lives, if we share our joys and sorrows with him, then we will experience the peace and joy that only God, who is infinite love, can give.

The Beatitudes of Jesus are new and revolutionary. They present a model of happiness contrary to what is usually communicated by the media and by the prevailing wisdom. A worldly way of thinking finds it scandalous that God became one of us and died on a cross! According to the logic of this world, those whom Jesus proclaimed blessed are regarded as useless, ‘losers’. What is glorified is success at any cost, affluence, the arrogance of power and self-affirmation at the expense of others.

Jesus challenges us, young friends, to take seriously his approach to life and to decide which path is right for us and leads to true joy. This is the great challenge of faith. Jesus was not afraid to ask his disciples if they truly wanted to follow him or if they preferred to take another path. Simon Peter had the courage to reply: ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life’. If you too are able to say ‘yes’ to Jesus, your lives will become both meaningful and fruitful.

2. The courage to be happy

What does it mean to be ‘blessed’ (makarioi in Greek)? To be blessed means to be happy. Tell me: Do you really want to be happy? In an age when we are constantly being enticed by vain and empty illusions of happiness, we risk settling for less and ‘thinking small’ when it come to the meaning of life. Think big instead! Open your hearts! As Blessed Piergiorgio Frassati once said, ‘To live without faith, to have no heritage to uphold, to fail to struggle constantly to defend the truth: this is not living. It is scraping by. We should never just scrape by, but really live’ (Letter to I. Bonini, 27 February 1925). In his homily on the day of Piergiorgio Frassati’s beatification (20 May 1990), John Paul II called him ‘a man of the Beatitudes’ (AAS 82 [1990], 1518).

If you are really open to the deepest aspirations of your hearts, you will realize that you possess an unquenchable thirst for happiness, and this will allow you to expose and reject the ‘low cost’ offers and approaches all around you. When we look only for success, pleasure and possessions, and we turn these into idols, we may well have moments of exhilaration, an illusory sense of satisfaction, but ultimately we become enslaved, never satisfied, always looking for more. It is a tragic thing to see a young person who ‘has everything’, but is weary and weak.

Saint John, writing to young people, told them: ‘You are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one’. oung people who choose Christ are strong: they are fed by his word and they do not need to ‘stuff themselves’ with other things! Have the courage to swim against the tide. Have the courage to be truly happy! Say no to an ephemeral, superficial and throwaway culture, a culture that assumes that you are incapable of taking on responsibility and facing the great challenges of life!

3. Blessed are the poor in spirit…

The first Beatitude, our theme for the next World Youth Day, says that the poor in spirit are blessed for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. At a time when so many people are suffering as a result of the financial crisis, it might seem strange to link poverty and happiness. How can we consider poverty a blessing?

First of all, let us try to understand what it means to be ‘poor in spirit’. When the Son of God became man, he chose the path of poverty and self-emptying. As Saint Paul said in his letter to the Philippians: ‘Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in human likeness’. Jesus is God who strips himself of his glory. Here we see God’s choice to be poor: he was rich and yet he became poor in order to enrich us through his poverty. His is the mystery we contemplate in the crib when we see the Son of God lying in a manger, and later on the cross, where his self-emptying reaches its culmination.

The Greek adjective ptochos (poor) does not have a purely material meaning. It means ‘a beggar’, and it should be seen as linked to the Jewish notion of the anawim, ‘God’s poor’. It suggests lowliness, a sense of one’s limitations and existential poverty. The anawim trust in the Lord, and they know that they can count on him.

As Saint Therese of the Child Jesus clearly saw, by his incarnation Jesus came among us as a poor beggar, asking for our love. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that ‘man is a beggar before God’ and that prayer is the encounter of God’s thirst and our own thirst.

Saint Francis of Assisi understood perfectly the secret of the Beatitude of the poor in spirit. Indeed, when Jesus spoke to him through the leper and from the crucifix, Francis recognized both God’s grandeur and his own lowliness. In his prayer, the Poor Man of Assisi would spend hours asking the Lord: ‘Who are you?’ ‘Who am I?’ He renounced an affluent and carefree life in order to marry ‘Lady Poverty’, to imitate Jesus and to follow the Gospel to the letter. Francis lived in imitation of Christ in his poverty and in love for the poor – for him the two were inextricably linked – like two sides of one coin.

You might ask me, then: What can we do, specifically, to make poverty in spirit a way of life, a real part of our own lives? I will reply by saying three things.

First of all, try to be free with regard to material things. The Lord calls us to a Gospel lifestyle marked by sobriety, by a refusal to yield to the culture of consumerism. This means being concerned with the essentials and learning to do without all those unneeded extras which hem us in. Let us learn to be detached from possessiveness and from the idolatry of money and lavish spending. Let us put Jesus first. He can free us from the kinds of idol-worship which enslave us. Put your trust in God, dear young friends! He knows and loves us, and he never forgets us. Just as he provides for the lilies of the field, so he will make sure that we lack nothing. If we are to come through the financial crisis, we must be also ready to change our lifestyle and avoid so much wastefulness. Just as we need the courage to be happy, we also need the courage to live simply.

Second, if we are to live by this Beatitude, all of us need to experience a conversion in the way we see the poor. We have to care for them and be sensitive to their spiritual and material needs. To you young people I especially entrust the task of restoring solidarity to the heart of human culture. Faced with old and new forms of poverty – unemployment, migration and addictions of various kinds – we have the duty to be alert and thoughtful, avoiding the temptation to remain indifferent. We have to remember all those who feel unloved, who have no hope for the future and who have given up on life out of discouragement, disappointment or fear. We have to learn to be on the side of the poor, and not just indulge in rhetoric about the poor! Let us go out to meet them, look into their eyes and listen to them. The poor provide us with a concrete opportunity to encounter Christ himself, and to touch his suffering flesh.

However – and this is my third point – the poor are not just people to whom we can give something. They have much to offer us and to teach us. How much we have to learn from the wisdom of the poor! Think about it: several hundred years ago a saint, Benedict Joseph Labre, who lived on the streets of Rome from the alms he received, became a spiritual guide to all sorts of people, including nobles and prelates. In a very real way, the poor are our teachers. They show us that people’s value is not measured by their possessions or how much money they have in the bank. A poor person, a person lacking material possessions, always maintains his or her dignity. The poor can teach us much about humility and trust in God. In the parable of the pharisee and the tax-collector, Jesus holds the tax-collector up as a model because of his humility and his acknowledgement that he is a sinner. The widow who gave her last two coins to the temple treasury is an example of the generosity of all those who have next to nothing and yet give away everything they have.

4. … for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

The central theme of the Gospel is the kingdom of God. Jesus is the kingdom of God in person; he is Immanuel, God-with-us. And it is in the human heart that the kingdom, God’s sovereignty, takes root and grows. The kingdom is at once both gift and promise. It has already been given to us in Jesus, but it has yet to be realised in its fullness. That is why we pray to the Father each day: ‘Thy kingdom come’.

There is a close connection between poverty and evangelisation, between the theme of the last World Youth Day – ‘Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations!’ – and the theme for this year: ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven’. The Lord wants a poor Church which evangelises the poor. When Jesus sent the Twelve out on mission, he said to them: ‘Take no gold, nor silver, nor copper in your belts, no bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor a staff; for the labourers deserve their food’. Evangelical poverty is a basic condition for spreading the kingdom of God. The most beautiful and spontaneous expressions of joy which I have seen during my life were by poor people who had little to hold onto. Evangelisation in our time will only take place as the result of contagious joy.

We have seen, then, that the Beatitude of the poor in spirit shapes our relationship with God, with material goods and with the poor. With the example and words of Jesus before us, we realize how much we need to be converted, so that the logic of being more will prevail over that of having more! The saints can best help us to understand the profound meaning of the Beatitudes. So the canonization of John Paul II, to be celebrated on the Second Sunday of Easter, will be an event marked by immense joy. He will be the great patron of the World Youth Days which he inaugurated and always supported. In the communion of saints he will continue to be a father and friend to all of you.

This month of April marks the thirtieth anniversary of the entrustment of the Jubilee Cross of the Redemption to the young. That symbolic act by John Paul II was the beginning of the great youth pilgrimage which has since crossed the five continents. The Pope’s words on that Easter Sunday in 1984 remain memorable: ‘My dear young people, at the conclusion of the Holy Year, I entrust to you the sign of this Jubilee Year: the cross of Christ! Carry it throughout the world as a symbol of the love of the Lord Jesus for humanity, and proclaim to everyone that it is only in Christ, who died and rose from the dead, that salvation and redemption are to be found’.

Dear friends, the Magnificat, the Canticle of Mary, poor in spirit, is also the song of everyone who lives by the Beatitudes. The joy of the Gospel arises from a heart which, in its poverty, rejoices and marvels at the works of God, like the heart of Our Lady, whom all generations call ‘blessed’. May Mary, Mother of the poor and Star of the new evangelisation help us to live the Gospel, to embody the Beatitudes in our lives, and to have the courage always to be happy.”

I Was Wrong…

Ladies and Gentleman, I’m not a genius and I make mistakes.  Whew.  So good to get that out in the open so I don’t have to hide the truth anymore.  If you click on this link you’ll be directed to a post I wrote recently–you know, where I said I don’t hate the cold anymore.  Look at the “bonus” reason…scroll down…yep, number 6.  The one where I said I don’t get sick here because the cold kills everything (good and bad).  I was wrong.

We’re approaching week four of 2nd semester.  Get this:
Week 1-  TJ’s sick
Week 2- Kelsey’s sick
Week 3- Bryan’s sick
Week 4- I think we know…

I’m starting to feel a little yucky, if you will.  So I’m off to bed hoping to get plenty of sleep so maybe I will feel less yucky tomorrow! 🙂

But, I should let you know we just finished bisonCatholic week.  It’s a week of on-campus events to promote Catholicism in a positive light.  It went quite well, if I may say so.

More on that later but, for now, it’s off to bed to dream of next year (you know, the next Super Bowl…where our favorite team wins…The Packers. Duh.)